What my friend is giving up, due to Obamacare

A friend of mine writes that he’s leaving his job. And it’s because of Obamacare.

What happened?

Well, he’s an attorney at a law firm who is going out on his own.

In the past, he wouldn’t have been able to buy individual insurance. That’s because he had a pre-existing condition. So he had to stay with the firm.

Now he can buy health insurance on his own. And it’s affordable.

His experience with the federal website? Not perfect but certainly good.

As my friend wrote:

I just signed up for Obamacare, as I am leaving my firm at the end of the year and wouldn’t otherwise be covered. It wasn’t as smooth a shopping on Amazon, but it took less than an hour all the way through. I got a plan that is as good or marginally better than the one I have now for $190 less a month than my firm currently pays per insured employee. Without the Affordable Care Act, I would not be able to get an individual insurance policy because I now have a pre-existing condition (even though I or my employers have paid premiums for me since I was in college and I never even had a claim until I was 45).

Start-Your-Own-BusinessWhen people don’t have to stick with an employer for health insurance, it’s easier for them to start their own businesses.

According to a report cited by Bloomberg News:

As many as 940,000 Americans may leave their employers after Obamacare policies take effect, according to a July study by Craig Garthwaite at Evanston, Illinois-based Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and two co-authors. That number is an estimate of how many adults without children are working because of what the researchers call “employment lock” — holding a job primarily to obtain health insurance.

We’ll have to see how many people will now start their own businesses, able to do so because they can get insurance.

As they do so, they’ll contribute entrepreneurial energy to our economic system. And Obamacare will have enabled them to be free to take this leap.

Amy Fried

About Amy Fried

Amy Fried loves Maine's sense of community and the wonderful mix of culture and outdoor recreation. She loves politics in three ways: as an analytical political scientist, a devoted political junkie and a citizen who believes politics matters for people's lives. Fried is Professor of Political Science at the University of Maine. Her views do not reflect those of her employer or any group to which she belongs.